These 10 Feelings Signal The End Of A Relationship

I believe that a great relationship is worth fighting for. In fact, I have a hunch that countless relationships end prematurely because people are more likely to throw something away than try to fix it.


I also believe that many relationships last for far too long because one (or both) people in it refuse to admit that it’s over.

The result is prolonged anguish and heartbreak that could’ve been avoided — or at least lessened — had the writing on the wall been read.

Disclaimer: Before we get into these signs, it’s important to realize that every relationship faces ups and downs. We all disagree, argue, have miscommunication, disappoint each other…it’s simply part of being human. That being said, when you’re experiencing these signs consistently over time with no improvement, it’s time to honestly reevaluate the relationship, what you’re getting from it, and why you’re really still in it.

Which of these call out to you? Let me know in the article’s comments.

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