These 10 Rare Qualities Will Make You An Amazing Partner

These 10 Rare Qualities Will Make You An Amazing Partner

Here’s a dose of reality for you: Your level of self-worth should probably a lot higher than it already is.

In other words, you’re not giving yourself enough credit for the positive qualities that you possess as a human being.

Perhaps you struggle to acknowledge your strengths. Perhaps you (like many of my clients), have immense confidence in your professional life but cannot seem to translate it to your personal life.

Or, maybe you’re just so busy comparing yourself to everyone else that you forget to look in the mirror sometimes.’

Society is always telling you how you should look, what you should wear, how much you should weigh, how much money you should be making…of course you’re feeling inadequate, the standards society levies onto us are rarely in alignment with realistic expectations.

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We must, then, look inward and begin appreciating who we are in the moment, what we can bring to the table, and why we are worthy of love as we are today.

In today’s Medium article, I’ve outlined ten rare qualities that make you, dear reader, a total catch.

On another note, I’m loving the responses from The Next Level members about the new habits and routines you’re developing in order to build deeper love and fulfillment in your life. Thanks for sharing those.

If you’re not a member yet, you can join us here for only five bucks a month (or 50 for an entire year) and get exclusive member-only emails with insights and advice normally reserved for my private clients.

Grateful for you.

Your coach,