10 Ways Happy Couples Build Unshakable Trust

Trust, I believe, is one of those fundamental factors that influences a wide range of other feelings within a relationship. For example, you cannot fully respect someone if you don’t trust them. You can’t count on them, rely on them, give your heart to them…and you certainly cannot fully fall in love with them.

Trust must be built over time, and then it must be maintained. It’s a finicky thing, trust, as it can be broken apart in seconds, even if it took years to build.

In today’s Medium article, we’ll talk about some of the ways that the happiest couples create a strong and deep sense of mutual trust in their relationship.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and I’m looking forward to sending out the exclusive newsletter for The Next Level members on Wednesday. Receiving all of your responses and feedback from those is the best part of the week.

You’re awesome,