5 Negative Thought Patterns Keeping You From Love

We’ve all been there before — finding ourselves asking the question: Why did I stay with that person for so long?

Your friends and family saw the red flags. The braver of the bunch stepped up and told you about them. But, you shrugged it off.

If you’re being honest, you saw them, too. But, you shrugged them off.

You kept making excuses for poor behavior, talking about how things are “when they are good,” even though that’s only 20% of the time.

Can you relate?

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If you’re consciously aware that this is the wrong person for you and staying with them is doing you more harm than good — why do you stay?

Your subconscious is feeding you an internal narrative that just might be going against your own best interest.

Negative thought patterns and beliefs that keep repeating themselves every time you get into a relationship…or, before you get into one, and end up influencing the person that you choose. Or, the one that you don’t.

Be honest with yourself about whether you’ve experienced any of these 5 thoughts, and then you’ll be able to examine why.

The thoughts that we chose for ourselves (and the ones that we don’t) quite literally shape the reality we live in. I’ll be diving deeper into this in tomorrow’s Next Level newsletter, subscribe now to make sure you don’t miss it.

You’re awesome,