Big client wins

One of my favorite parts of coaching is highlighting the wins of my private students, and I want to amplify their achievements more on a regular basis, because they inspire me just as much as I inspire them.

From this past week alone:

๐Ÿš€ 44 year old female lawyer landed a client at DOUBLE her normal rate after working on branding, positioning, and the confidence to ask for what she's worth. I see you I.C.!

๐Ÿš€ Female entrepreneur in the fashion industry met and started dating a new man sheโ€™s excited about after months of disappointment. You deserve all of the happiness, R.O.

๐Ÿš€ High level male executive is on a new trajectory toward a CEO role and we've made major headway in his demeanor, self-presentation, and confidence in expressing ideas. Always on your team, B-Money.

 ๐Ÿš€ 3+ hour (!!!) couple's session to help improve upon communication challenges. F & A, onward and upward.

๐Ÿš€ Male banking/finance professional has completely revamped his dating profile, improving self-image, and approach to meeting new women over the holiday season. The new โ€œB.B.โ€ is emerging!

๐Ÿš€ Male real estate agent is entering a new and exciting phase with his girlfriend and beginning to discuss the future together. Letโ€™s go P.K.!

This is what makes the work worthwhile, watching students and clients level-up and create the lives they know they're capable of living.

Once you learn what you're capable of, you'll never settle for less again.

Wondering what itโ€™d be like if you and I joined forces to create similar results in your life?

===> Click here to fill out a short questionnaire, and Iโ€™ll reach out if youโ€™re a potential fit for coaching.

Enjoy your weekend.