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  • If You Can Do These 10 Things With Someone, Hold On To Them

If You Can Do These 10 Things With Someone, Hold On To Them

Have you ever had an experience where you removed yourself from a situation and felt such freedom that you didn’t even realize how restricted you were until you walked away?

Maybe it was a negative work environment, or a toxic relationship, or cutting off communication from a “friend.” The end result, though, was a deep sigh of relief from feeling a weight lifted from your shoulders.

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A relationship should never feel like that.

You shouldn’t feel held back, restricted, or suffocated in your relationship — but free to be your fullest and most authentic self.

You should be able to do these 10 things if you’re with the right person.

I put together this list because I believe sometimes the nuances of life can get a bit confusing. We get caught up in our own thoughts, self-doubts, or become overwhelmed by the opinions of others…since, of course, everyone seems to have one.

At the end of the day, though, the only thing that matters is that you are happy and fulfilled with your relationship…the one that only exists between you and your partner.

If you feel safe and comfortable doing the things listed in the article, hold on to that person. Not for anyone else…but for yourself.

Wishing you happiness,