Client kudos

Every now and then I love to highlight the achievements of a particular private client based on the work we’ve done together.

Recently I’ve discussed a rockstar attorney out of Canada who’s doubled her firm’s rates and has begun showing up with even more authority and confidence in her personal and professional life, taking charge and getting what she deserves.

Today, I want to talk about “B.”

He came to me about 4 months ago deeply frustrated with dating, as most of us have been at one point or another.

Late 40s. Highly successful. Divorced with adolescent kids.

He'd decided to let his memberships on dating apps and sites expire. There'd been too much ghosting, unanswered messages, attracting the wrong kinds of people...

We entered into a 6 month coaching agreement and started making some changes before he threw in the towel.

Slowly but surely he started having more conversations with women who seemed to be a better fit.

Over the past week he was talking to a woman that he was REALLY excited about.

Over the weekend, they went on a date.

He texted me afterwards and...they're both all in on each other (as much as you can be after one date).

They've been talking constantly since then, and are both super excited about their a second upcoming date together.

What happens next? Who knows...maybe nothing. Maybe everything.

Whatever it is, though...he's glad he didn't give up on dating when he was tempted to.

You shouldn't either.

The next person might be the right person.

Are you ready to take the next step in your personal and/or professional life? Click here to schedule a consultation call with me to see if we’re a fit to work together.

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Cheers to your success,

-James Michael Sama