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- Controversial opinion
Controversial opinion
Controversial opinion: It's better to optimize yourself to perform in a changing world than it is to fight against the changes - even if you don't like them.
What does this mean?
It means that you can either get on the train, or get left behind by it.
No, it doesn't mean you should sacrifice your values, morals, or integrity to hitch a ride.
No, it doesn't mean you should blindly follow the crowd.
What it DOES mean, is that you need to shoot for where the target is moving to, not where it's currently at.
It means you need to develop the skillsets, the mindsets, the habits, routines, and knowledge in order to thrive TOMORROW, because that's where the world is heading.
In order to do so, YOU must evolve as a person.
----> You must identify not just where you want to go, but WHO you must become in order to get there.
----> You must get clear on your values in order to build a life that aligns with them.
----> You must decide on the impact you want to make on the world, the LEGACY you want to leave in the wake of your achievements.
For some, this legacy is a happy and healthy family. For some, it is a Fortune 50 company. For others still, it's both - or neither.
It matters not WHAT success looks like to you, only that you understand what it takes in order to achieve it.
Small and measurable actions repeated daily in order to inch closer to your goals.
A fundamental shift in perspective around how you see yourself and your abilities.
A philosophy centered around personal and professional growth.
Moving closer to the people and things that bring you joy, moving away from those that don't.
"James, this all sounds great - but how do I actually achieve it?"
For more than a decade, my private clients have positioned themselves to achieve greatness through our work together. They've skyrocketed to new professional heights, they've built love and happiness with a partner, they've found the strength to walk away from negative and toxic people.
Ultimately, they've made the most powerful decision of all:
To stop accepting less than they deserve and to evolve into the ultimate version of themselves.
If you're not just ready to get on the train - but to be the conductor of it, let's talk.
===> Click here to answer a few short questions and I'll reach out directly.
Talk to you soon,
- James Michael Sama