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  • You Deserve To Have These 11 Needs Met In Your Relationship

You Deserve To Have These 11 Needs Met In Your Relationship

I was having a deep conversation yesterday with a private client.

We are doing work around boundaries, standards, and what treatment he deserves from his partner.

Part of this is taking the time to define our standards, but also our needs.

“James, I know what I want in a relationship.”

Wants and needs are different things. I consistently explore this conversation with clients because getting abundantly clear on the needs is what will help us get to the wants.

Example: Another client expressed that he wanted his wife to stop playing so many games on her phone.

Alright - great!

What if she puts the phone down…but picks up a magazine?

He’s still not getting her attention.

He’s still not feeling connected to her.

But…he got what he wanted, right? She got off of her phone, after all…

You see - the need is the connection. The deeper-rooted reason why the “want” is present.

So few of us take the time to define these needs that it’s no wonder they’re so rarely men, leaving us confused, unfulfilled, and lonely in our relationships.

Not even sure where to begin in creating a list of needs?

Not to worry - I’ve got you covered.

Use this list as a reference and/or foundation for creating your own. Expanding upon these points.

Which resonate with you the most? Let me know in the comments.

If you’d benefit from direct and private guidance in defining these needs or finding a partner who is capable of meeting them, let’s connect and explore how I can help you one-on-one.

Looking forward to your thoughts.