You Deserve These 12 Things From Your Partner

I believe one of the big reasons many people don’t get what they deserve in a relationship is because they haven’t even taken the time to define what those things are in the first place.

Have you done the work to gain certainty around what you want? Or, even more importantly, what you need?

That’s to say — the deeper underlying reasons behind your wants. (This is something I work with my private clients to develop clarity around).

No worries if not…I’ve taken the liberty to go ahead and do it for you in this article.

The truth is that low self worth, failure to maintain boundaries, or even simple uncertainty can easily bring you to an unhealthy, toxic, or just plain boring relationship.

Let the points herein, then, serve as a baseline reminder for what you deserve from your partner in a relationship. If you’re not getting these needs met, then why are you even with in this relationship?

Two points of housekeeping on this rainy Sunday:

I’ll be further expanding into developing your self worth and confidence in this Wednesday’s edition of The Next Level newsletter, subscribe here to make sure you don’t miss it.

And, I’ve still got one final spot open to work with me 1-1 as your private coach. Click here to apply for the spot and I’ll contact you if you’re a potential fit.

As always, I am grateful for you being here and strive each day to bring you value, reach out anytime to let me know how I can better serve you.

You’re awesome,