I don't usually do this...

But, hey, I'm feeling generous...

Every once in awhile I like to switch things up a bit to create a little extra energy in the universe.

If you’re anything like me, the idea of repeating the same thing over and over again sounds far more dangerous than embarking on an adventure, or taking a risk, or stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Those things, after all, are what make life worth living in the first place - right?

Let’s, then, both walk down that path together:

I’ve decided to offer 20% off of my latest coaching challenge to the first 3 people who register.

I almost never offer “discounts,” but I’ve been so grateful for all of your support, readership, and conversations over the years that I want to open the door a little wider for those who are seeking individual guidance in the form of coaching.

The Ten-Week Trailblazer puts you and I face-to-face (through Zoom) for an hour every week (for, you guessed it…ten weeks) to lay out a life strategy that you feel confident will bring you to the next level personally and professionally.

Together, we’ll define, and then help you step into, an elevated version of yourself who is fully capable of building the life that you deserve to be living.

We’ll discuss your relationships, your professional trajectory, your sense of self-worth, your identity, purpose, and mission.

We’ll look at the gap between the person you are today, and the person you’re capable of becoming - and then we’ll build a bridge between them.

If you’ve ever considered working with me as your private coach in the past, this is your chance.

I’m only offering this 20% savings to the first 3 people to register.

Not everyone, however, will qualify.

Click here to fill out a short application to see if we are a potential fit.

If it looks like we’re aligned, I’ll personally reach out to you to set up an exploration call and discuss further details.

I look forward to the honor of serving you.

Your (future) coach,

-James Michael Sama