Falling out of love

Today, I want to talk about boundaries.

Boundaries are, quite simply, decisions you make about the behaviors and treatments that you won’t accept from other people.

Perhaps even more importantly, though, the treatments you will and won’t accept FROM YOURSELF.

In other words, the standards you hold for your own behaviors, patterns, discipline, and decisions.

Eliminate the negative to make room for the positive.

One of the most difficult areas to enforce this, is in our relationships.

Relationships are emotionally charged, and we can often find ourselves making excuses for poor (other people’s, or our own), or just missing it completely.

It’s painful - to let someone go or to admit that we’ve chosen the wrong person. It means starting over again. It means letting go of the future we thought we had planned. It means having to tell all of those people who were excited for us, that it just didn’t work out.

However, the truth is that, no matter how painful or unpleasant letting go can be - it’s far more painful to stay in the wrong relationship with the wrong person for too long.

Under this umbrella today, then, I want to offer you two reading options:

Whether you read one or both, I’d love to hear your thoughts - which of these feelings can you relate to? Which are you currently working through now? Which have you overcome in your past?

And, as always, if I can be direct service to you in this area as your private coach, click here to fill out a short application and I’ll reach out to you directly if you’re a potential fit.

At your service,