Inner thoughts of a "people-pleaser"

I used to be one, too.

Are you a "people-pleaser?" I used to be. 🙋🏻‍♂️

If so, you can relate to the feeling that you must constantly be doing things FOR others in order to win their affection or approval to feel a sense of value or worth.

I made this little video to help illustrate the inner-thoughts of what it’s really like to be in this situation:

The (obvious) problem with this is that you end up in a permanent cycle of meeting everyone's needs while constantly neglecting your own.

Eventually - you completely forget who YOU even are and lose sight of what those needs were in the first place.

Or, maybe, you never knew...which is what sparked the "people-pleasing" tendencies.

Here's the truth:

People will respect you MORE if they know you have your own identity, your own life, your own values, boundaries, and standards.

If they need someone and you're not available, they'll call someone else and move on with their day.

This is not to say you should be selfish and neglect everyone around you. It IS to say that life is all about balance.

Remember, you cannot pour out of an empty cup - and the people who really care about you will want to make sure YOUR cup is full, too.

If you’d like private 1-1 guidance with setting boundaries or building stronger self-worth, click here to book a call with me to discuss personal coaching.

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Wishing you happiness,

-James Michael Sama