Looking for love?

I’ve always believed that truth should be valued above all else, whether or not it’s something we “want” to hear. In fact, at times, the most uncomfortable truths are exactly what we “need” to hear.

While not all truths in today’s article are uncomfortable, they are truths nonetheless — and ones taught by experience in life and love.

If you can embrace and internalize these important lessons, the journey towards (and within) love will be forever transformed.

As you know, much of my writing and work with private clients is centered around building an even deeper sense of self worth and love in their lives. To cultivate stronger clarity around one’s internal identity and purpose.

Intimate love, though, is part of that equation. The quality of our relationships with others is deeply influenced by the quality of our relationship with ourselves. And, the inverse is also true.

Even if you’re currently in a relationship, then, some of these lessons will serve as valuable reminders that we can implement in order to reinforce the relationship that already exists.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and opinions in the comments - while I may not always get the chance to respond, I do read every single one.

(Oh, hey, in this Wednesday’s edition of The Next Level newsletter, I’ll be discussing habits and mindsets for reaching your maximum potential in life. If you’re not already subscribed, click here to upgrade).

You’re awesome.