Make These 8 Decisions BEFORE Dating Someone New

Not every relationship is meant to last…some of them help to prepare you for the one that does. That is, of course, if you’re willing to take valuable lessons from the past and bring them into the present.

The best time to internalize these lessons is, well, before you meet someone new. While you’re still single. Before you run the risk of emotions and excitement clouding your judgment (it’s okay, it happens to all of us).

In today’s free article, we’ll discuss decisions you can make while you’re still single, that’ll largely impact the quality of your next (and maybe last) relationship.

Why is this important?

Many people transition from relationship-to-relationship without taking time to pause and reflect. They tacitly assume that once “the right person” comes along, the seas will be smooth and the follies of the past will simply disappear into the distance.

The truth is, though, that like in any other area of life - to get better results, we need to make better decisions.

Some of those decisions are pointed towards our own actions, standards, and values - and others still are focused on what we’re looking for in a partner, a relationship, and a future.

All of these decisions, though, are equally important. They serve to build the foundation of what we choose to build next, and with whom.

What are these decisions?

If you’d find value in working with me as your private coach to help navigate the waters of dating and relationships, click here for more information and a short application form. If we are a potential fit to work together, I will reach out to discuss next steps.

Enjoy the article, and I look forward to your thoughts.