Masculine and feminine energy

Our idea of strength has evolved over time. Masculinity. Leadership. Energy. “Manhood.”

Thankfully, we’ve opened up the conversation around what makes a man, well…a man…and we’ve found far more layers than society acknowledged just a few decades ago.

There is a required balance between what we’ve considered masculine and feminine energy in order to live a well-rounded and balanced life. Taking pieces of both and forming an identity that works for us as individuals is the key to fulfillment and strong relationships.

It requires us to let go of judgment (from others and ourselves) and to build the courage to explore who we really are, what we really believe, and what our values are.

The reward, though, is a deep sense of security, confidence, and certainty in our own identity.

In today’s Medium article I outline ten ways that secure men find this balance, you can read it here.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. What did I miss, what did I hit, and what would you add?

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