Men With These 12 Qualities Attract Strong Women

I think men often look at ambitious, successful, and high-value women and become confused about where they can add even more value to her life. Men have been (falsely) conditioned to think that our worth comes from our ability to “provide” and if she doesn’t “need” us then…well, she doesn’t need us…right?

The truth is this: No matter how much a woman makes, how well educated she is, or how well-established her life is — you can add value by being a partner, a friend, a lover, and a teammate in her life.

NONE of those things have anything to do with how much money you have (or don’t have).

It does, however, have to do with harnessing the qualities listed in this article and showing up as your full, authentic self.

Which of these do you agree with? Disagree with? What did I miss? Let me know in the article’s comments.

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