Never Give Your Partner These 12 Feelings

I genuinely believe that most people don’t intentionally do things that hurt their partner or make them feel the things we’ll discuss in this article (at least, hopefully). It is, however, important to understand that intention and impact are two different things.

What I mean is, even if you don’t mean to spark these feelings, they might still exist.

The good news is, with a little extra effort, understanding, and mindful presence, we can minimize or even eliminate the impact of our unintentional actions.

Disclaimer: There are going to be people who tell me that you can’t “make” someone feel something, and that their true feelings come from within. The examples given in this article would be feelings caused as a direct result from a partner’s behavior, or lack of behavior. Yes, fulfillment, happiness, and self love must only come from within us — but the truth is that the actions of our intimate partner can spark feelings within us, and it’s our duty as a man or woman in a relationship to try our best to make those feelings as positive as possible, as often as possible. We may not be responsible for all of our partner’s feelings, but we certainly can be responsible for some.

Now that we’ve covered that…

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Talk to you soon,