Next Level

Hot coffee prices at Starbucks average $4.98.

Worth every penny, isn’t it?

That kickstart to your day, the extra patience you need to deal with rush hour traffic, or just the simple routine of getting that morning coffee into your hand.

Maybe for you, it’s not a Starbucks coffee. Maybe it’s a smoothie, or a green juice, or whatever it is to get your day (and yourself) moving.

It’s something that you do every day without even thinking about it - sort of like how I email you every single day with the link to the article I’ve written that morning. 🙂 

After I get caffeinated and get home from the gym, I dedicate every morning to providing you with free but valuable content that can, if implemented, transform your life.

Once per week, though, I dedicate extra time to a specific group of people who have raised their hand and said:

“Hey, I want even more value. I want the tools and action steps I can use to create a deeper sense of fulfillment, confidence, and love in my life.”

These are the people who’ve subscribed to The Next Level newsletter.

Not for $5 per day, though…but only $5 for the entire month.

Who should subscribe?

- Anyone who feels like they're capable of doing or being more than they currently are, but haven't been able to awaken the potential.

- Those who want to maintain a positive mindset through difficult times and want to learn how to focus on what really matters.

- Anyone who would benefit from building an even greater sense of self worth so they can set higher standards in all areas of life.

- Those who want to improve the health and quality of their relationships...both with themselves and other people.

What do we get?

Advice and insights that I normally reserve for my private clients. I’ll dive deeper into the topics of building confidence, healthy love (with yourself, and others), goal setting, discipline, accountability…and topics suggested by you as well as important concepts that arise in client conversations (while maintaining confidentiality, of course).

How do we subscribe?

I’m glad you asked! Just click here and choose the monthly or annual upgrade option.

It’s important for you to know that I value every single one of my subscribers equally, and I will continue working every day to serve you at the highest level.

I’ll see you soon, and to The Next Level members, I’ll see you on Wednesday for our next discussion.

With gratitude,