A photo of you from 2029.


It's March 25th, 2029. Five years from today.

I've just handed you a before and after photo.

The BEFORE photo - is you, right now. The person you currently see in the mirror.

The AFTER photo, is the 2029 version of you.

The version who's had 5 more years of growth.

5 more years of evolution.

5 more years of life's lessons.

5 more years of wisdom, knowledge, and certainty in themselves.

Now ask yourself: What are the differences between the people in those photos?

What does the "after" person do, that the "before" (today) version doesn't?

What mindset shifts, new standards, new decisions, new habits and skills and knowledge brought them to where they are?

How are they dressed in the photo? Imagine how they walk, talk, act, and engage with others.

Imagine they walk into the room and sit down right in front of you...what can you learn from them?

I invite you to join me over the next ten weeks in order to find out.

To work privately with me to discover the areas of your life that you can make small tweaks for BIG impact.

Real, lasting change that goes far beyond the next five years.

We'll meet once per week on Zoom for an hour and lay out a strategy that will craft permanent change in your life.

If you've read this far, then you're in the right place. You just need to know two more things:

1: I'm giving 20% off enrollment to the first 3 people who join this challenge.

This is your time. I'll see you soon.

Your coach,
