Post fix

Yesterday I received a flurry of responses telling me my previous email to you was broken and truncated, no idea what happened there! Unfortunately, my emailing service requires that I wait at least 12 hours before I email you again, so I couldn't provide a fixed or updated version until now.

I am including the full body of what the email was supposed to look like below, and hopefully this works.


Not everything from generations past should make its way to the present (and thankfully, many things haven’t), but there are some aspects of relationship building that seem to be lacking in today’s dating culture.

Having grown up in an environment of “old school romance,” I saw the inner workings of successful relationships, and recognize the stark contrast to what most of us experience today.

Here are ten things I saw that separate couples that last, from the couples that don’t.

It’s a matter of the decisions we make, isn’t it? How we choose to approach and treat our partner. How we choose to conduct ourselves. Who we choose to be in life, and in love.

Those decisions, big or small, fundamentally change the course of our lives.

That’s why in today’s members-only newsletter, I discussed the importance of making he decisions that reflect the life we WANT to live in order to create it. And, I talked specifically about how to make better choices.

Want to get on the list and receive these exclusive emails when they’re sent every Wednesday?

I’m looking forward to your thoughts on the ten things that couples did to make their relationships last longer. Do you agree, or disagree? Let me know in the article’s comments.

See you soon,