To Properly Love A Woman: Do These 10 Things

Friends, the points in this article are designed to help my male readers gain a greater understanding of how to express and explore your love for your partner in ways that she feels on a deeper level than ever before.

I believe that if we are really honest with ourselves, many relationships fall apart for the simple reason that…we just don’t know how to build them, and certainly not how to maintain them.

It’s okay, it’s not your fault. If you think about it, most of us were never really taught how to do these things, so how can we expect to know?

We didn’t have “Relationships 101” in school, though, we definitely should’ve.

I hear this A LOT from both my male and female clients. The confusion around what a relationship should look like, how to construct the foundation of it, how much to open up, and how to keep the spark alive over time.

For that reason, I’ve put together a quick “crash course” in properly loving a woman. Ten points that I believe every man should keep in mind during the journey, whether you’ve been together for weeks, months, or decades.

Part of showing up at your best in your relationship is intentionally evolving into the best version of yourself. To feel fulfilled, happy, and connected within the life that you are living, regardless of relationship status.

Tomorrow’s edition of the members only Next Level newsletter will focus on ten ways that you can live up to your maximum potential.

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You’re awesome,