Are you pushing people away?

One of the most uncomfortable things for any of us (myself included) to do, is look in the mirror when it’s time to reflect on our own actions, especially in a relationship. It can’t possibly be our fault, right?

I once met a guy at the gym who, when he learned that I’ve been coaching people for more than a decade, began opening up to me about his personal challenges.

Dating challenges, financial struggles, even getting into bar fights and brawls…at 48 years old.

Now — I don’t judge, we all have different paths and circumstances that mold us. Some of which are more within our control than others.

It was clear, though, that some of his decision making has perpetuated patterns in his life that could’ve been avoided.

Then, one day, he asked me…

“Dude, why can’t I meet a nice woman?!”

Raises eyebrow

The point is: Sometimes it’s you.

Sometimes it’s been me.

Sometimes it’s been all of us.

Let me be clear: This article isn’t being written to make you feel bad about yourself — but instead, as a helpful guide when you need to look inward and ask yourself the difficult questions.

===> In this article, we’ll discuss 7 negative behaviors that just might have pushed some partners away in the past (and may continue to in the future if they’re not remedied).

As always, I invite you to comment or reply - which of these are the biggest challenges for you? Which have you worked to overcome? Which are you still struggling with?

If I can be of direct assistance, click here to fill out a coaching application and let’s discuss how I can serve you.

Cheers to your success,