Qualities more important than beauty.

We live in a society that idolizes beauty every single day. Advertisements of beautiful people, influencers with perfectly chiseled abs and jaw lines, commercials with beautiful people, beautiful people around us in the world…

Studies even show that attractive people are more successful in life (seriously, it’s a thing called “The beauty premium”).

Before we get too far, we need a moment of honesty:

Everyone loves beautiful things. We are drawn beautiful cars, and homes, and clothes, and yes — beautiful people. The “beauty premium” exists because it’s a real thing, and there’s no denying or getting around that.

My “ID” (for the psychology majors out there) happily admits that I strive for a beautiful life, myself. I want to give a beautiful life to my family. I believe our surroundings enhance the richness of the human experience.

In no way do I think that beauty is bad or that we need to minimize it. I do think, however, that making it our number one priority can influence some negative decisions, particularly the partners we choose for ourselves.

When it comes to building intimate relationships, friendships, or living a happy and fulfilling life — there is a lot more to look for than just surface appearance.

That’s what this article is about, qualities we should be looking for in a person (and to have for ourselves) that actually make for a good partner, as physical appearance is no guarantee. Anyone who’s dated someone for their looks and been supremely disappointed can attest to this.

Subsequently, if you struggle with self-image in this area, the beauty (no pun intended) of the qualities listed in this article is that they have nothing to do with the way you look, and they’re all under your control.

Immature love chooses the person who looks best in your Instagram selfies. Mature love chooses one who has real qualities and traits that will make a relationship work in the long run.

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As always, I welcome your feedback and comments in the article and I look forward to chatting with you again soon.

You’re awesome,