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Reading list
I’m sending along something a bit different today - since you’ve come to be on this email list through my writing in one form or another, it only stands to reason that you value reading, learning, and knowledge.
So, I am going to share a few book recommendations below that I’ve been diving into recently (some for the first time, some being revisited) that I find to contain invaluable knowledge when it comes to living an even happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.
Note: I am in no way affiliated with any of these books (except the first one), and receive no commissions if you purchase them. This is solely a list based on where I personally find the most value so far).
1: Unlocking Love. Beginning, of course, with my own book - a step by step plan for building love within yourself that empowers you to create happier and healthier relationships with others. You don’t have to trust this just because it’s my book, read the reviews for yourself.
2: Meditations. The works and philosophies of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius which I find to provide a far deeper reflection on the human experience than most of us ever experience. This is a book to read if you seek further understanding and perspective of yourself, the world around you, and your own control over your mindset and emotions.
3: Atomic Habits. I cannot stress enough that this book can be an absolute game-changer in your life. I’ve been in the personal development industry for more than a decade and recognize countless lessons I’ve learned along the way right in this single book.
4: The Power of Discipline. A solid pairing with Atomic Habits, as discipline is the fuel where habits are the vehicle.
5: Start With Why. I had the honor of meeting Simon Sinek through a mutual friend (Jim Kwik) a few years back and love the heart and soul he puts into his work. Start With Why helps us to understand the path to fulfillment in our careers and how to inspire others as a leader. (No fancy titled required - just the mindset of a leader).
6: The Female Brain. This is one of those books I’ve read multiple times. Dr. Louann Brizendine takes us through the biological evolution of the female brain and helps us understand how and why men and women think and develop differently. This is a fascinating and enlightening read for any gender.
The list goes on, but this is a great place to start if you’re looking for some healthy brain-food to start 2024 with fresh knowledge and insight.
If you crave even deeper discussion about these topics, be sure to join The Next Level and receive a video email from me every Wednesday, or click here to apply for private 1-1 coaching.
See you soon,
-James Michael Sama