Signs they don't value you

The thought of someone in our lives undervaluing us or disrespecting us is a difficult one to acknowledge.

Be it in an intimate relationship, a friendship, a working relationship, or even within our own family - we all deserve a level of respect that we are comfortable with.

This is why, as difficult as it is to admit someone may not value us - it is absolutely vital.

It’s vital so we know who to spend less time with, and who to spend more with.

So we know where we need to set stronger boundaries and standards.

So we know where and when to better communicate our needs and expectations.

Precisely because this is such an emotionally charged subject, it’s important to keep our heads about us and be logical about the red flags when we see them.

To assist, I’ve put together a list of 8 of these red flags that signal someone doesn’t truly value you in their life.

Are you experiencing any of these right now? Have you in the past? Let me know in the article’s comments.

To my Next Level members and private students, I look forward to further serving you along this journey of building even stronger fulfillment, love, and confidence in your life.

Enjoy your Friday, friends.