Special offer

You get bombarded with “special offer” emails every single day, don’t you?

Let’s not talk about the tidal wave of black Friday deals that are soon to be upon us.

This, though - this isn’t one of those emails.

This is an offer rooted in gratitude, one that tangibly and realistically improve your life.

Every Wednesday, I send a special “mini coaching session” in video format to all Next Level newsletter subscribers.

The subscription is 5 buckaroos per month. Not per week, or per day - per month. 5 bucks.

Tomorrow, I’ll be sending all members a special 15% off code that can be used on all purchases at LimitlessLeisure.com.

Here’s the best part, though: Starting today I am offering 10% off of all private coaching packages for Next Level members.

I’ve never done that before.

Depending on the package you choose, this could save you anywhere from $250, up to $1,000.

Not bad for 5 bucks a month that already gets you a weekly video directly from me.

Oh, and you get to level-up your entire life in the process.

Are you in? Click here to upgrade now:

If you’re already a member and want early-access to your Limitless Leisure code before tomorrow, simply reply to this email and I’ll send it over.

If you’re ready to discuss coaching, click here to fill out a short application.

I’ll see you on The Next Level!

- James