Two new offers for May

Summertime specials


I’ve been talking to a lot of you in recent weeks and in a consistent effort to serve you at the highest level through my writing and coaching, I’ve made a decision to offer two new coaching packages that will help you develop the skills you want and need to take your life to the next level.

  • Creating a deeper sense of fulfillment in your life

  • Understanding and cultivating healthier relationships with others

  • Improving communication skills

  • Working 1-1 with an accountability partner (ahem, that’s me)

  • Gaining the courage and confidence to speak up on your own behalf

  • Building the internal strength to walk away from a negative relationship, or towards a positive one

  • So, so much more.

Gregory, a law firm partner told me recently that “This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

These new packages are based on number of sessions rather than a bundle of months, ie., 3 months or 6 months.

Here are the options:

As always, I look forward to speaking to you soon and continuing to serve.

Your coach,

-James Michael Sama