So, you're a what?

(I used to be one, too)

Have you ever considered yourself to be a “people-pleaser?

You know…the type of person who puts everyone else’s needs before your own, no matter what you’re receiving in return? (Which, ahem, usually isn’t very much).

The type of person who gives…and gives…and gives…until you start feeling like it’ll never be enough?

If you’ve ever felt that way, I made this video to help you prevent it from happening again in the future:

Setting boundaries is a difficult but important thing. They are, quite literally, the guidelines of our lives that communicates to others the treatment we are (and aren’t) willing to accept.

As always, I look forward to your thoughts and comments on the video and continuing this discussion with you.

More resources:

If you’d like private 1-1 guidance with setting boundaries or building stronger self-worth, click here to book a call with me to discuss personal coaching.

If you enjoyed this video and what access to longer more in-depth ones, join The Next Level and you’ll receive a mini-coaching video every Wednesday.

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Wishing you happiness,
